Viorel Vasile
Viorel Vasile is recognized as being one of the most successful Romanian entrepreneurs. Starting from his passion for insurances, Viorel founded Safety Broker, manifesting a trend for differentiation and originality in all aspects. He provides support to the Safety team, raising the company products together to the highest standards of quality and satisfaction.

Lavinia Niţă
Executive Manager
A part of Safety Broker since 2005, the moment of incorporation of the company, Lavinia Niţă plans, manages and coordinates the administrative services of the organization. She represents and protects the legal interests of the company in the relations with the individuals and legal entities.

Cati Stoican
Deputy General Manager
Present in the Safety Broker team since 2012, with an experience of over 14 years in the field of insurances, Cati Stoican currently coordinates the corporate department of the company. Cati is specialized in custom-made insurances dedicated to the legal entities and passionate about risk management.

Zina Iakab
Zina Iakab has been part of the Safety Broker team since 2005, she provides the efficient and sustained operation of the financial department. She provides an economic-financial perspective over the development initiatives, getting directly involved in the definition of the strategy in order to improve the performances of the company

Lavinia Gal
Deputy General Manager
With an experience of over 10 years in insurances, Lavinia Gal successfully organizes and coordinates the activity of the office in Cluj Napoca and of the offices in the North-Western Area. The successes of the area are preponderantly due to the involvement, continuous adjustment and permanent innovation of both the leader and the entire team.

Daniel Coliţă
Deputy General Manager
Daniel Coliţă is the leader having managed the Western area and Timişoara Branch since 2009 to remarkable results, permanently maintaining the entire area in top positions in the Safety Broker top.

Costin Lăzărescu
Damages Manager
Part of the Safety team since 2006, Costin Lăzărescu deals with the damages department, providing support both to the external clients and to the domestic ones. His role is that of assuring, following-up and managing the solving of all the damage files.

Cristian Vasile
Life and Health Insurance Sales Manager
The more than 13 years of experience accumulated in the field of life, group and health insurances by Cristian Vasile help him in the sustainable development of this segment within the company. Up to the present date, he has been part of top teams such as the one of the market leader, ING Asigurări de Viaţa, but also Allianz Ţiriac Asigurări.

Răzvan Popescu
Head of the Bond Department
He operates on the insurance market since 2009, and he has been since 2016 a young and dynamic blast in the Safety team. Răzvan Popescu has the assignment of developing the portfolio of bond insurances, as well as the maintenance and development of strategic business relations with the Safety Broker partners.

Andreea Poncoş
Sales Manager
Andreea Poncoş has a history of 8 years in insurances, of which 5 years in insurance companies and 3 years in brokerage. The experience accumulated up to present date helps her in the sales process, so that the Safety Broker client benefit from high-quality consultancy in the customization of the insurance programmes

Ramona Dobrescu
Marketing Manager
Ramona Dobrescu joined the Safety Broker team in 2009. Since then, she has been coordinating the marketing and PR activity, implementing and developing the best communication solutions and marketing concepts, in order to reach both the image goals and the business ones of the company.

Alex Babei
Tech&Digital Development Manager
Alex Babei are un background de peste 19 ani in asigurari, pornind de la activitatea de agent de asigurari, ceea ce i-a asigurat o buna cunoastere a produselor de asigurare atunci cand, in 2009, a trecut la partea de dezvoltare a sistemelor de emitere a politelor. In 2016 s-a alaturat echipei Safety Broker, unde coordoneaza activitatea de dezvoltare a platformelor tehnologice si digitale, atat pentru emiterea politelor de catre agentii si colaboratorii Safety Broker, cat si pentru emiterea online direct de catre clienti.