Business in increase by over 42%

Tue, 05/30/2017 - 14:01
Business in creștere cu peste 42%

Safety Broker intermediated over the first quarter of this year gross premiums amounting to over 123 million lei, 42.9% more than the 86 million lei intermediated over the same period of 2015. You can find below further details, but also the plans of the company for 2016:

  • Over the first 3 months of 2016, the non-RCA insurance portfolio managed by Safety Broker increased by 25.5%, de la 22.6 million lei to over 28.4 million lei. From the total made subscriptions, the mandatory civil liability insurance (RCA) policies generated incomes of 94.6 million lei (as compared to 63.4 million lei in the first quarter of 2015).

  • The main goals for this year are: continuous development of the non-RCA portfolio, excess of a total volume of the intermediated gross premiums of 450 million lei – for the first time in the 11-year history, Safety Broker and the increase of the share capital of the company to 1 million lei, in order to be able to perform the activity in optimal conditions, in full observance of the regulations of the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA).
    “Moreover, we will continue our process of transformation into an organization exclusively focused on the end clients. They allow us to exist, and their satisfaction is what made us now the leader of the brokerage market in Romania”, Viorel Vasile, CEO of Safety Broker, states.

  • 11 years after the accession to UNSICAR, Safety Broker decided to make its own way, confidently looking ahead, and to withdraw from the association. “We thank the colleagues from UNSICAR for the collaboration over all these years and we take this opportunity to express our wish to get involved and contribute in the future as well to the development of the local insurance market”, the company official states.

Safety Broker joined the professional brokers’ union immediately after the incorporation, in 2005, out of the wish to contribute to the development of the specialized market, but also in order to be able to be part of the dialogue between the main players at that moment.


Safety Broker is the biggest independent insurance broker with local capital, operating in Romania.

Safety Broker currently has a management team with long-term experience in insurances and a strong territorial network in Bucharest, Alba, Arad, Argeș, Bacau, Bihor, Bistrita Nasaud, Botosani, Brasov, Braila, Buzau, Caras-Severin, Calarasi, Cluj, Constanta, Covasna, Dambovita, Dolj, Galati, Giurgiu, Gorj, Harghita, Hunedoara, Ialomita, Iasi, Ilfov, Maramures, Mehedinti, Mures, Neamt, Olt, Prahova, Satu Mare, Salaj, Sibiu, Suceava, Teleorman, Timis, Tulcea, Vaslui, Valcea and Vrancea. In 2013, the company also extended to the Republic of Moldova.

For further information:

Ramona Dobrescu

PR & Marketing Manager
Mobile: 0758-258-630

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