Safety Broker opens a call-center for the victims of the accident in Bulgaria

Tue, 05/30/2017 - 14:50

Safety Broker announces the creation of a dedicated Call-Center, in view of the information of the families of the victims of the tragic traffic accident occurred yesterday in Bulgaria - in the context in which the civil liability insurance policy for motor vehicles (RCA) of the involved coach was issued by Safety Broker and subscribed at Carpatica Asig insurance company.


The Safety Broker Call-Center is operational starting this morning at 10:00, it can be contacted at the telephone number 031.405.21.23 and will provide to all those directly interested specialized consultancy and support in order to facilitate the damage file opening procedure.


From the first pieces of information provided by the Bulgarian authorities, it results that the event resulted in the death of one person and severe injuring of five more, the Ministry of the Interior of Romania informs.

We remind the fact that yesterday morning, around 05.00 o’clock, a coach with 25 Romanian passengers, on its way from Kusadasi, Turkey to Romania tumbled down in Republika gate, between the localities of Gurkovo and Veliko Tarnovo, in Bulgaria, due to the failure to adjust the speed to the weather conditions.

“We do everything we can in order to help, along with our partners at Carpatica Asig, the ones involved in this tragic event. We take this opportunity to send condolences to the grieving families “, the Safety Broker officials declared.

We will return with further information as they become accessible.


For further information:

Ramona Dobrescu

PR & Marketing Manager

Mobile: 0758-258-630

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