60% increase over the first quarter for Safety Broker de Asigurare

Tue, 05/30/2017 - 14:57
Crestere de 60% pe T1 pentru Safety Broker de Asigurare

Safety Broker company intermediated, over the first quarter of this year, gross premiums amounting to over 18 million Euros, a 60% increase in reference to the 11.5 million Euros as the value of this indicator was over the correspondent period of last year.

From the total subscriptions made so far, in 2014, the mandatory civil liability (RCA) insurance policies for motor vehicles generated incomes of 11.46 million euro (as compared to 7.5 million Euros in the first quarter of 2013), whereas the fully comprehensive car insurances (CASCO) contributed by 4.58 million Euros (in reference to only 2.5 million Euros in the first quarter of 2013).

Over the same time interval, the fire insurances and for other Acts of God brought to the company brokerage of almost 1 million Euros, maintaining thus the level recorded over the first three months of the previous year.

“Our strategy for 2014 envisages, however, other objectives as well – in the sense in which we will focus more and more on the quality of the services that we provide to the clients. Irrespective of how much we will develop quantitatively, the clients will always remain in the center of our attention. Even in this context, we estimate that we will end this year with brokerage of over 65 million Euros”, Viorel Vasile, CEO of Safety Broker, says.

Safety Broker intermediated in 2013 insurance premiums amounting to 54.8 million Euros, by almost 10 million Euros more than the initial estimations. The company is now the biggest independent insurance broker with fully Romanian capital, operating in our country and in the Republic of Moldova.

“As novelty, we are proud to be able to announce that we will be moving soon in a new establishment, situated in an important office building in Bucharest. We will thus have available, starting this summer, a space of 850 sq.m. of A Class office in order to perform our activity”, the Safety Broker official states.

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